Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Top prescription drugs and your pets | Ativan Dosage

Th? folks ?t Pet Poison Helpline share th?? report th?t fine points th? top-selling human medications ?nd th? th? makings dangers th??? drugs pose t? pets.
Th? IMS Institute f?r Healthcare Informatics recently released a report th?t included th? top five human prescription drugs dispensed ?n th? United States: Lipitor, Nexium, Plavix, Advair Diskus ?nd Abilify.
B?????? Pet Poison Helpline???s call volume ?? high f?r dogs ?nd cats th?t h??? ingested human medications harmful t? pets, th? veterinarians ?l?r?f? h?w th??? drugs typically affect pets th?t swallow th?m. S?m? drugs cause ?nl? minor symptoms, wh?l? ??m? ??n b? potentially life-threatening.
N?. 1:  Lipitor (atorvastatin)
Used t? reduce cholesterol levels.Generally wh?n pets g?t ?nt? Lipitor, ?nl? mild side effects ?r? seen, such ?? vomiting ?nd diarrhea. Therefore, Lipitor ?? n?t painstaking t? h??? high toxicity levels f?r pets. Although ??m? human drugs ?r? utilized ?n veterinary medicine, Lipitor ?? n?t.
N?. 2: Nexium (esomeprazole)
An anti-ulcer medication ?nd proton-pump inhibitor th?t results ?n decreased gastric-acid secretion. Although ?t ?? used ?n veterinary medicine f?r ??m? pets, mild side effects ??n include vomiting ?nd diarrhea. Owners ?f dogs ?r cats th?t g?t ?nt? th?? drug ?h??ld watch th??r pet closely, b?t n?t b? alarmed b?????? symptoms w?ll generally subside ?n th??r ?wn.
N?. 3: Plavix (clopidogrel)
Affects platelets ?n humans, inhibiting clot formation ?nd reducing th? risk ?f stroke. Wh?n pets g?t ?nt? Plavix, ?t h?? a wide margin ?f protection ?nd generally ?? n?t painstaking t? b? acutely venomous. Onl? mild vomiting ?r diarrhea m?? b? seen.
N?. 4: Advair Diskus® (fluticasone propionate ?nd salmeterol)
Oft?n used f?r treating asthma ?nd administered through ?n inhaler, Advair Diskus contains beta-agonist drugs th?t expand th? lungs ?nd steroids th?t decrease tenderness ?n th? lungs. B?????? inhalers control many doses, dogs th?t chew ?nt? th?m ?r? exposed t? massive amounts ?f th? drug ?ll ?t once. Th?? ?ft?n results ?n heart arrhythmias, ?n elevated heart rate, agitation, vomiting ?nd even acute collapse. Brutal electrolyte abnormalities such ?? very low potassium levels ?r? l?k?l? ?nd ??n b? life-threatening without immediate veterinary treatment.
N?. 5: Abilify (aripiprazole)
Contains aripiprazole, ?n atypical antipsychotic agent th?t ?? used t? treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder ?nd clinical depression. Keep th?? drug out ?f th? reach ?f pets, b?????? ingestion ??n result ?n profound lethargy, vomiting, hyperthermia, significant changes ?n heart rate ?nd blood pressure, ?nd seizures. If a pet ingests th?? drug, immediate veterinary attention ?? needed.
T? keep pets safe fr?m ingesting th??? ?nd ?th?r ??r?l??? human medications, th? veterinarians ?t Pet Poison Helpline offer th??? recommendations.
 Store human medications ?n a different location fr?m pet medications.
Weekly pill holders ?r? irresistible t? ??m? dogs, becaues th?? resemble chew toys ?nd rattle. Th? danger ?? th?t a dog ???ld ingest a full seven days??? worth ?f medications, significantly rising th? risk f?r poisoning.
Avoid putting medications ?nt? plastic storage bags before traveling. Th? bags ?r? n?t pet-proof ?nd ??n easily b? chewed ?nt?.
 Hang ???r purse out ?f ???r pets? reach. Inhalers, medications, sugar-free gum ?nd ?th?r items th?t ?r? ??r?l??? t? pets ??n b? easily hasty out ?f a purse b? a unusual dog ?r cat.
Pet Poison Helpline recently produced a video titled ???Handbag Hazards.??? Take a look.   

If ??? r??k?n ???r pet h?? ingested something poisonous, ?t ?? always better (?nd less expensive) t? g?t h?l? immediately. Contact ???r veterinarian ?r Pet Poison Helpline ?t 1-800-213-6680 f?r lifesaving h?l?.  Pet Poison Helpline charges$35 per call b?t th? price includes unlimited follow-up consultations.

Article source: http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/features_lifestyle_animal/2011/05/top-prescription-drugs-and-your-pets.html

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Source: http://ativandosage.com/news/top-prescription-drugs-and-your-pets

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