Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Top Ten ?Get Going? Strategies | Weight Loss Success Strategies ...

2011 is really flying by! It seems like I was just celebrating the New Year and now Valentine?s Day has come and gone. Many of us started the new year with the best of intentions, but by now have fallen back into the same ruts, the same routines and some of us may have even lost our motivation. If this happens to be the case for you, here are my top ten get going strategies to get you back on track!

  1. Remember The Three C Rule: Count Chemicals not Calories-Work towards eliminating foods that?have more than 5 ingredients?particularly ingredients that you can?t pronounce. Don?t be overly?concerned about ?counting calories/fat grams? etc-it?s too overwhelming starting out. By reducing the?amount of processed foods in your diet and replacing them with whole foods, your body is not inundated?with all those fat storing chemicals.
  2. Drink More Water: Aim for a half gallon a day.
  3. Eat More Often! Try to incorporate 5-6 small meals a day. This will help increase your metabolism.
  4. Eat Balanced Meals-You want to make sure that you are eating some sort of lean protein source?with your complex carbs (veggies, fruits) at each meal.
  5. Go Easy on the Simple Carbs-Particularly items such as white potatoes, white bread, white rice etc.?Sweet potatoes, whole wheat breads, brown rice are better choices. At each meal, strive for a plate that?consists of the following: 50% complex carbs (Veggies), 25% lean protein, 25% simple carbs.
  6. Exercise! Ditch the gym/yoga if you are not feeling that right now. Think about what you CAN do?that won?t feel like a chore. Walking around the neighborhood in the morning/evenings? Bike riding with?kids? Think of something you can enjoy or find relaxing.
  7. Your Friend Fiber-Get as much in you as you can! Fiber fills you up, sustaining you longer than?foods without it. (If lazy bowels are a problem, add in certain foods like flaxseed, wheat germ or bran.)
  8. Eat Breakfast/DON?T Skip Meals: Skipping a meal triggers a starvation response in the?metabolism, making it slow down. You want to burn as many calories at rest as you can!
  9. Eat every 3-4 hours to keep your metabolism stoked.
  10. Believe in YOU-wherever you are RIGHT NOW is OK. You can change your body by implementing?these strategies and giving yourself TIME to see results. You will probably live another 40-50 YEARS?.it?is not important that you lose a lot of weight quickly. If it takes a year to lose the weight-SO WHAT! That?means you will have another 49 years looking fabulous! :)


Eat Well and Expect Success,


Tawana Cain is a Certified Holistic Health and Fitness Strategist. Tawana?can help you build your best body EVER! Learn how to permanently release the weight that is holding you back and discover a new level of Fit, Healthy and Sexy.?Grab a complimentary ?Secrets to Slim Success Kit?at?


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